
Here the bike has been clearly been used as a metaphor “I believe there are two periods in life, one  for the bike, the other for becoming active on one’s work”– Bernard Hinault


Weekends are known for chilling and spending time with loved ones. In this quote, the bike has been referred to that “At weekends, I’ve been going on long but steady-paced four and a half-hour bike rides” – Denise van Outen


Bike rides can be your best therapist. “You do not need a therapist if you own a motorcycle or any kind of motorcycle” – Dan Aykroyd


This has beautifully quoted “Faster, faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death” – Hunter S.Thompson


Bikers would get this quote “There are two kinds of riders: Those who have crashed and those who will” – Anonymous


Work for your dream as much you can, grind for it and make it your reality. “It may be that those who do most, dream most” – Stephen Butler Leacock


The quote has specifically mentioned for bike riders “Anybody can jump a motorcycle. The trouble begins when you try to land it” – Evel Knievel


The bike is used as a metaphor for an artist. “Riding a bike is like an art, something you do because you feel something inside” – Valentino Rossi


Beautiful quote “Some call it an adventure, we call it life


The most famous quote “Keep your head high and your head higher


Bikes make your life adventures “No hour of life is wasted when it’s spent on two wheels


You don’t have to know how to park a bike. Your bike takes you to places “An intellectual is a man who doesn’t know how to park a bike” 


Your bike can be anywhere with you. “I am a biker, I do what I want, When I want, where I want


If you love bikes, you would love traveling “Love to ride. Live to travel”


You reach faster when you traveling in a bike “On a bike, no one ever asks, ‘Are we there yet’


You can’t be alone when you have your bike with you “You are not alone bro your bike is with you” 


Beautiful quote “Nowhere to go before getting lost” 


An inspiring quote “Life is short. Buy the superbike. It is not what you ride. It is how you ride.”


If you are a bike lover, you can’t stay calm. “Ride hard. You can rest when you die. Ride super hard or stay home. Options is yours”


A small quote dedicated to all bike lovers “Eat. Sleep. Bike. Repeat.”


Bike ride should make you feel like a holiday “Every ride is a damn holiday for me”


Every moment should be included with a bike ride “We only regret the bike rides we didn’t take in our life”


Inspiring quote “You need a lot of efforts and concentration on racetracks”


Overcome your fear with an amazing bike ride “Let the thrill of speed overcome the fear of death. Let’s bike”


Beautiful quote stating “You know what? Everything looks pleasant and familiar from the inside of a motorcycle helmet”


Unique quote stating “The bike is my drug and the wind is my high”


Biking is more dangerous and the passion is more “Maybe biking is more dangerous, but the passion of the car is always the second for me”

About Me

I am pursuing sales by profession and my passion turned me into a Globetrotter. My happiness for travelling has only helped me travel more than 80 countries across 6 continents and the quest for exploring new places and countries is still on. Read More