Life Lessons A Person Can Learn From Travelling The World

Life Lessons A Person Can Learn From Travelling The World

Stop whatever you are doing. Pick up your bag and head out the door. Disappear for months. Doesn’t this sound petrifying and magical at the same time? The thought of going backpacking to faraway mountains with my friends sounds so liberating. Think about it. Travelling teaches you so many new things, right from people’s traditions to how they like to spend their Sunday afternoons and the feeling of experiencing or even knowing that, is so warm and lovely.

Travelling is art. You gain so much information. You now do things that people from different countries have taught you. Maybe your favourite flower now is a wild sunflower because a sweet someone randomly gave it to you, a young shopkeeper smiled at you from across the street, you rode on a bicycle with your new companions on a European street. All of these will be etched in your memories forever. As cliche as it sounds, you learn not only about people but life.

Here are some twenty worthwhile lessons that you and I both can learn while traveling the corners of the world:

1.Travel is life’s greatest teacher.
Do you remember anything taught to you in your geography or history class in school? The famous landmarks of the world, the history of Nazis, the celebration of different festivals? The answer would probably be a ‘no.’ hence, ‘traveling’ comes into the picture. Travel can teach you much more than teachers, classrooms and textbooks. You get to learn and experience real-life, and what is more enjoyable than that?

2.Traveling is not that easy.
A sudden decision of stopping your work and traveling to places may not be a good idea always. It would be helpful if we all had a proper plan. Detailed itinerary, documents like visas, passports and even insurances are a must even though it is a tiresome process.

3.Know your itinerary.
Plan your itinerary well. From the number of days, check ins at different accommodations, attraction spots and much more. This will teach you how to plan and organise. After all, time management and event management is very important.

4.Go with the flow.
Things don’t always go as planned and they don’t have to. While traveling, there will be hindrances on the way. So what? Stay put. Let them come. Breathe. You will learn something out of it and that will become the best part of your life.

5.More experiences and less materialism.
Things indeed bring us happiness. But it’s only temporary. Friendships with strangers, visiting places, learning new skills and information will bring us ever-lasting happiness. These will create beautiful memories.

6.Smile – a piece of inexpensive jewellery.
We all know the old saying ‘smile is the only beautiful thing you can wear’. It is the rightest form of showing gratitude. When words fail, a smile always counts. It can break boundaries and language barriers while making new and the best of friends.

7.Traveling alone does not mean you are lonely.
Who says you can’t be a sole tourist? In fact, that is a great way to get to know yourself and others better. Engaging interactions with strangers over a glass of wine, with waiters at cafes and local sellers, is what we look forward to. You will find so many friends on your journey that you will forget that you are alone. Traveling alone is much easier due to lesser responsibilities.

8.Step out of your comfort zone.
Traveling can change your life. Adventure activities like sea surfing, hill climbing, sky diving can rush your adrenaline. Keep faith and try these out, for you may never get the chance again. Try to embrace the unknown and feel both fear and excitement while doing new things.

9.Appreciate differences in cultures.
There is so much diversity in the world. One of the most amazing parts of traveling is that you get to experience different cultures. You come to know of countries’ history, castes, customs and languages. You will be able to speak languages, visit heritage sites and even participate in festivals.

10.You will learn patience.
Whether you have to wait for long queues at the airport, not understand a language or get a taxi at the right time, there will be many frustrations on your journey. But, these will help test your patience and you will learn how to deal with them effortlessly.

11.You are capable.
At times you may find yourself disillusioned. You may be unsure of your decisions and afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone. This blog is, therefore, here to tell you not to quit. Please make an effort, as it will be all worth it. When you make friends, immerse yourself in culture, you will naturally gain confidence.

12.Travel like you own it.
Traveling is an art—a skill. Nobody can tell you that you are doing it wrong or right. Whether you are accommodated in a five-star hotel or a guest house, or even hitchhiking, it doesn’t matter. You may either explore on your own or seek a tour package. As long as you are comfortable and happy, go for it. Do not be bothered by haters.

13.Cherish plenty of street food
You cannot return from your tourist destination without savouring the authentic street food dishes. Cut down your spending and invest a whole lot in food. You will remember this moment forever and realize how you missed out on different cuisines of the world before.

14.You don’t have to be rich to travel.
You desire to travel, but you don’t have enough money so how will you? This is entirely a misconception. With enough savings in your hand, you can travel everywhere. You don’t have to stay at big expensive hotels. You have many options in hand like a homestay, Couchsurfing, eat simple food, take cheap public transport, etc. In this manner, you can budget your expenditure.

15.Appreciation for the local people
Local people enhance the tourism sector. Because of them, local cultural products are sold, local food is consumed, and cultural practices are admired. As a tourist, one must be highly respectful of the way of life they lead.

16.Take your time
The world is moving too fast, although we don’t have to. Take in every moment of your life. Go slow and steady. Close your eyes and appreciate nature, enjoy every bite of your food, be patient and let beautiful conversations with strangers sink in, become aware of yourself.

17.Find your peace
Travelling makes you wonder. You start to appreciate little things you have taken for granted. Enjoying sunsets, sunbathing in beaches, hiking in mountains. You will realize these things brought you joy and inner peace. Everywhere you go, becomes a part of you. At last, travelling is meditation.

18.Do not forget your sunscreen.
Here is a reminder to tell you to keep your sunscreen always handy in your bag.

19.Make mistakes
If you don’t make mistakes, you’re not learning. We all know failure is a stepping stone to success.

20.Protect your belongings
It’s a new city or a new nation. Beware of your surroundings and people. Always keep your belongings close to you and do not wander away without them. Take safety precautions.

Written by Shiju George

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