Must see things in Costa Rica

Must see things in Costa Rica

There are so many places to visit and see while in Costa Rica that is almost impossible to visit everything in just one day. All between national parks, volcanoes, waterfalls and animal sanctuaries and more than the 300 beaches, there is always something exciting coming your way on your whole travel journey. With so many options available, it is difficult to pick up just one from the place.

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Arenal Volcano National Park

The Arenal Volcano is a perfect picturesque volcano. When you were a kid you might have drawn a volcano, it is exactly how it looks. It is perfect symmetrical core. There are many waterfalls, hanging bridges, riding trails, etc in that place. The Arena Volcano National park pretty much has it all.

La Fortuna Waterfall

The la fortuna waterfall is considered as one of the top waterfalls to visit in Costa Rica. There are multiple ways to get the hiking trail, one is the horseback. The other would be the walk back down 500 steps to the basin of the waterfalls. After the hike you can start swimming down beneath the cascade of water, which has an incredible experience in itself. The surrounding is filled with forest and one can see toucans, butterflies, monkeys, etc.

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Venado caves

A little history about this place, the Venado Caves was discovered by a farmer who literally fell into it. There are nearly 8 magnificent chambers that make up a maze of the limestone deep down in the earth. This can’t be an experience if you are claustrophobic. If small spaces don’t scare you and you want to go dip down below sea level to these ancient caves, then this is one of the must see places in costa rica.

Catalinas Islands

The Catalinas Island offers some of the best scuba diving in Costa Rica, which are pretty much accessible from Tamarindo, Playa Flamingo, and Papagayo. This place is located in the Nicoya Peninsula in the northwest part of the country. The depth of this place reaches between 18-75 and within the range there is some exciting diversity of wildlife. The population is quite famous for the population and some variety of rays and the tropical fish, sharks, turtles and sometimes even the pilot whales.

Poas Volcano National park

The Poas Volcano National park is one of the most visited volcanic parks and has a very good reason; the volcano is the largest and the most active in Costa Rica. It rises 8,885ft high, with a main crater filled in stunning blue-green coloured lake called Laguna botas. There are multiple different ecosystem, including the cloud forests, rainforest and some low mountain mountain forest which have around 79 species of birds  and some small mammals.



Written by Shiju George

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