Be Yourself and Miss The Train.

Be Yourself and Miss The Train.

You have got one life, so just live it. Train your mind to accept learning. Train your mind to accept only positive things to keep you passionate.

Learn from your past mistakes. Educate yourself on a daily basis. Have an Attitude. It suits to them who are confident. Attitude is not synonymous with Arrogance so wear it always.

Be fit not to look macho but to eat more, booze more, and stand on your legs. You have to drop home to your very just friends who were with you on the dance floor.

Fall in love, each time and every time. There are plenty of good people around. Ignore haters but give enough reasons to those suckers to envy you more. A flirtatious mind is acceptable if you have a good heart.

Be straight, scream out what your heart says. Contemplation is a good thing because you think too much, too differently, and too uniquely. You want to achieve everything. Sometimes you fail, sometimes you succeed.

Away with those who can’t understand your dreams. People should scare of your dreams. Everybody has their own appetite.

Work hard so you can play really hard. Don’t keep your dreams like a dream for long. Accomplish it and never be get satisfied. Be hungry.

Take good care of them who were with you in the rainy season. Search them who left you in storms. Share with them about your pinnacle of happiness. Let them know how happy you are without them who deserted you when you have nothing. Its good to be away from these people and their negative ambiance.

Sometimes, it’s ok to leave the train, leave the people who drag you. Enjoy your life alone… Be Yourself.

Written by Shiju George

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